Tuesday 24 April 2012

The eggs have arrived!

By Friday all 10 eggs had hatched, we have 5 yellow boys and 5 yellowy brown girls.
The children suggested names and we voted for our favourite names.

The boy chicks are called:

Bouncy. Toby, Bobby, Jumpy and Alvin.

The girl chicks are called:

Kikee, Rebecca, Lexi, Pipi and Betty.

Then later on in the day we were really lucky and saw 2 chicks hatch out of their eggs, it was amazing!

On Wednesday 25th April when we arrived at school we could hear lots of "cheep, cheep" noises and then we realised that 2 chicks had hatched overnight.

On Monday 23rd April, Reception had an exciting delivery 10 living eggs!

We learnt that the eggs have to be kept warm in an incubator so that they will hatch.
We have to check that the temperature is kept at the correct temperature, between 37 and 38 degrees.

At the end of the day on Tuesday Queeva-Skye noticed that 2 of the eggs had begun to crack.
So hopefully tomorrow we will have some little chicks!!!

Do you know how the chick hatches out of its shell?


  1. The eggs have hatched and ther are 9 chicks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the chick has a egg tooth

  4. All 10 eggs have hatched!
    We have 5 girls and 5 boys
    Mrs McCarthy
