Wednesday 20 June 2012

The last half term!

I can't believe it is the last half term in Reception and we are finishing with a very exciting topic all about 'Animals'.

In Reception we have been thinking about all the things we know about animals and also what we would like to learn about animals.

So here is our list about what we want to learn in the next few weeks about animals.....

What are the 2 bumps on top of a giraffes head called?

Do gorillas eat stingy nettles?

Are lions the king of the jungle?

What is a baby horse called?

How do baby calves come out of their mum's tummys?

Where did the first cat come from?

Why do zebras have stripes?

What do elephants, turtles, gorillas, monkeys and tigers eat?

What do monkeys and giraffes drink?

Why do baboons thump their chest?

We thought we might be able to find out the answers on our trip to the zoo. If not we could use information books and the internet.

But Jacob had a great idea and thought if we put our questions on the blog, people who might know could leave the answers on our blog for us!

So if you do the answers please leave us a comment.

And you can have a look at our zoo photos on our trip page.

Monday 11 June 2012

A big thank you

Dear Reception,

I just wanted to write to let you know that you have all helped me to save Storyland!

I must say a huge thank you for all your great reading as it has meant that Storyland is no longer in danger of disappearing.

The more books you continue to read will help me and the other Story characters to live happily ever after in Storyland.

I am not sure that I will have time to pop in to your school again as I am busy helping to build houses for Little Red Riding Hood and Peter Pan.

Thank you all again and who knows we may meet again in the future.

Keep on reading!


Denzy the friendly dragon xx

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Denzy the dragon

Hi Reception,

I loved your Assembly on Friday, it was BRILLIANT! I hope you enjoyed the freeze pops I left you.

I thought you might like to read the Three Billy Goats Gruff this week.

Do you know the story? Who lives under the bridge?

Well let me know if you like the story.

Keep in touch


Denzy the friendly dragon xx

Hi Reception,

As you have been reading Jack and the beanstalk, I thought you would like to read Jasper's beanstalk.

It will help you to learn about the days of the week.

There are 7 days in a week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

What day is it today?

What day will it be tomorrow?

My favourite day is Thursday, that is when we all go swimming in Storyland.

Which is your favourite day?

And remember keep reading Reception!


Denzy the friendly dragon x

Hi Reception,

Sorry I haven't been to visit you lately but things are so busy here at Storyland!
Since you have been reading Jack and the beanstalk, lots of amazing things have been happening -

the three little pigs have built themselves some new houses,

Goldilocks has been making porridge for the three bears

and the three billy goats gruff have made friends with the troll.

So please, please, please keep reading more stories.

And don't forget I'd love to know what your favourite stories are.

I love reading Jack and the beanstalk!

Keep reading and I will be in contact very soon.


Denzy the friendly dragon x

Monday 30 April 2012

Chick glog

Click on the picture to see the glog!

We had a great day, Monday 30th April we got to hold the chicks! 

Our story this week is The cow that laid an egg by Andy Cutbill